IPv6 connectivity with TunnelBroker on an Asus RT AC66U

An updated configuration guide is available in the post: Much stable and configurable IPv6 connectivity with TunnelBroker on an Asus RT AC66U published on 2014-05-01
I searched for new router to use as the core for my network (as I planned to use the modem in bridge mode). After a rapid search I settled for an Asus RT AC66U router (chosen because of this forum thread).
Once the modem received, it was time to get the IPv6 connectivity up.And this was a piece of cake thanks to support in the Asus base firmware.

Below is a correspondance between TunnelBroker and Asus fields
TunnelBroker name Asus name
Server IPv4 Address IPv4 Border Router
Routed /48 IPv6 Prefix

Also something great with this router, there is an IPv6 firewall

I’m happy to see some consumer grade equipment with a good IPv6 support.